Phoebe Giannisi was born in Athens (1964). She studied Architecture, NTUA in Athens Greece and completed her Phd, (Thèse de Doctorat ) Langues, Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens in the University of Lyon II- Lumière. She is a member of the Urban Void, a group of architects and artists who have organized and performed a series of activities within the urban landscape. She works as an assistant professor at the department of architecture in the University of Thessaly. She was co-editor and writer for the literary journal Black Museum (Mavro Mouseio). She has written the book of essays Classical Greek Architecture, (co-author Α.Tzonis), Flammarion, Paris, 2004, Récits des voies. Chant et cheminement en Grèce archaïque, Grenoble: Editions Jérome Millon, 2006 and was co-editor for The Ark. Old Seeds for New Cultures, University of Thessaly, 2010.
“Phoebe Giannisi’s re-workings of Greek myths are somewhat different, more intimately engaged with the particulars of the myth, more patient with a detailed re-telling. … Giannisi’s approach is not reverential and allows for (or forces) a complete re-thinking of the myths. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call Giannisi’s re-tellings “re-weavings” because they alter the fabric of the stories. The methodology is similar to Cavafy’s (or to Borges’ or Jean Rhys’ or Christa Wolf’s) but the result completely original, entirely Giannisi.” (Valerie Coulton & Edward Smallfield, poets, New American Writing) |