Theodoros Chiotis has studied Classics and Modern Greek at the universities of London and Oxford. His work has appeared in Adventures in Form (Penned in the Margins), Catechism: Poems for Pussy Riot (English Pen), Otoliths, Fit to Work: Poets Against ATOS, Tears in the Fence, [FRMK], Bad Robot Poetry, Ποιητική, Εντευκτήριο, Παγιδευμένοι στο διαδίκτυο (Patakis), aglimpseof, and Poeticanet. His work has been featured at the Book Festival of Croatia (2012), at the Elit Festival (2013), in the Invisible Architecture installation (2013) and in the Mercy/Liverpool Biennial podcast. He has published critical essays on poetry, modern Greek literature, autobiography and new media. He has translated into Greek essays by Jacques Roubaud, Gilles Deleuze, Lyn Hejinian, Christian Bok among others. He is a member of the editors board of FRMK (pharmakon), a biannual journal on poetry, poetics and visual arts. |